Ringing In The New Year With Some Personal Resolutions

The speed at which time passes zooms faster every year, and I’m always shocked when a new page turns on the calendar. How did we get to 2020 and the New Year already! But it’s here, a brand-new year stretching before me, and I see so much opportunity. Every year, I set resolutions with every intention to make this year the best ever. 

And I’m not bothered by the fact that most resolutions break. I don’t dwell on the reputation resolutions have as broken goals because the important point is taking time to assess life and strive for growth. It’s about the process, not the outcome; it’s the journey, not the destination.  

Another reason that I enjoy setting new years resolutions aside from tradition is the chance to allow myself the luxury of devoting special time to myself; it’s time to reflect and look inward, checking in with my heart and mind to learn about areas of my life that need attention. It’s self-care and a chance to repair and renew, and this year is no exception.

I’ve resolved to do the following in 2020:

1. Work Hard, Play Hard 

Life moves at such a fast pace because I truly love my work; my days fly by because I enjoy working. While I gain a huge amount of satisfaction from my work, I have to remind myself that there are other sides to myself. I like having fun, too! I like being lighthearted, taking life less seriously once in a while, and feeling sheer joy. 

This year, I resolve to have more fun, to open myself to more opportunities to enjoy the lighter side of life. I don’t plan to sacrifice work, but there is plenty of room in my life to open the door to Fun. This year, when I step away from work, I will seek to enjoy more of that time and find ways to have more fun.


2. Stay Organized

Really, organization is about putting together a system that runs smoothly. Being organized doesn’t mean putting away your shoes; it means figuring out a better way to enter your home so that kicking off shoes doesn’t clutter or block the entryway. 

So, I resolve to figure out the areas on my life that need more organization. I will identify the things or habits that aren’t working for me and re-organize; I will find a better system so that my life runs smoother. And while that may require a new shoe cabinet, it also might mean I need to re-think my space and put things in a different order overall. 

3. Eat According To Plan

Like most of us, I also care about my health and eating habits. Holidays often derail any healthy eating plans, but by January, it’s time to get back on track. I like to set a healthy eating plan for the year that includes all the right ingredients for eating better. From finding new recipes to trying new foods, I want to create a plan this year that inspires me to stick to it. 

So, I’m going to resolve to make a plan for healthier eating and follow it.

Year In Review


As I look ahead and set resolutions for the new year, I’m always reflecting on the past year. My look backwards highlights the best and worst of the year, and I remind myself to be appreciative and forgiving of all that has come before.

When I let go of the past, I’m ready to embrace the new year. I want to give my resolutions every chance to succeed, and so I truly say goodbye to 2019. I’m ready for you, 2020--Here we go!

Lauren Davenport